


Oj, vad länge sedan det var jag bjöd på ett inlägg fullsmockat med bilder. Ni vet sådana där bilder som eggar fantasin. Jag har sedan förra inlägget sparat på mig ganska så många bilder på min Pinterest och här kommer några.

Inspiration aérorails
Populist Scholarship and Cultural Interpretation: a review of Victoriania Lady Lisa's "International Steampunk Fashions"
A árvore prateada tem em seu caule um núcleo mágico que é usado em encantamentos que só magos muito poderosos conseguem manipular.
This reminds me of two things : The Pandean Island in WoW and The moving Island in Naruto Shippuuden.                                                                                                                                                                                 More
Engkanto by on @deviantART
This part in the books is magical! They nailed the elves on the head in the movies though do wish there had been sing they talk a lot about that in the books!
Flying dragon - Ciruelo
Mateusz Ozminski/#fairytales #fairyart #wonder @ancientsummer
#emilykinney - "If any doubt remained that the strange structure was a portal, it vanished as soon as the mist melted away. Fynn, simultaneously fighting off cardiac arrest and blinking profusely, couldn't move (aside from the afore mentioned blinking). His jaw was slack, his arm frozen in the air, his hand still coiled firmly around the pulley, and all he could do was gape." -- Gateway to the Air element Inner Plane

6 kommentarer:

  1. Finns så mycket fint på Pinterest!

    1. Ja där kan man sitta länge och titta på allt möjligt.

  2. Åh, äntligen! Tack! :) Man skulle vilja kliva in i bilderna och uppleva dem inifrån också. :)

    1. Precis så känner jag också. Så kul att du tycker om dessa inlägg.
